Behind the Lens is an important collection of poetry that focuses on the youth and important issues such as the war in Palestine and other poetry about refugees and the homeless who roam the streets.
Nasirah goes about telling stories that really hit you right in the heart. I found myself already crying after reading the first poem. She brilliantly describes what it is like for those people who experience these heartbreaking situations, so much so that one really begins to feel guilty about how ungrateful we sometimes are.
As I continued to read these poems, the more and more I realised how blessed we all are. She also made me think of things I have never thought about before, such as how we all see each other differently and how unbothered we behave at times towards what others may be or already are going through.
For someone who is only 15 years of age, Nasirah has grasped things that so many of us who are older tend to completely forget and just fail to understand.
My ultimate favourite poem, aside from the Palestinian ones that really hold a special place in my heart, was one titled "Parallels". Here, Nasirah goes to describe what others may see when they look at us and that really intrigues me since I am a person who always cares about what others think.
But the way in which she describes what another may think is so on point that it leaves me in awe every single time I read it.
She speaks so deeply of real-life problems, and by real life, I don't mean the fall out between James Charles and Tati Westbrooke. I am talking about poverty, death and complete and utter horror. I am talking mothers losing sons, sisters losing brothers and people losing hope.
Poverty is not becoming the main priority and this leaves many people with nowhere to go and leads to an increase in crime as well as sickness, suicide and death.
Left: A Palestinian Family having Iftar (meal to breakfast) during the blessed month of Ramadhaan.
When I read her poetry, it makes me want to be part of the change. It makes me want to voice out my opinion on Israel and all governments who thought that the fire at Notre Dame was more devastating than the amount of poverty that occurs around the world.
I give this book a 5/5 because Nasirah deserves it. She deserves for her writing to be read and understood.
We should take heed of what we read through her book and start speaking up about what really matters.
JazakAllah for reading and remember that your opinion matters and needs to be heard. All of us need to be apart of the change so that it can occur and Nasirah if you're reading this, May Allah make it easier for you to write about what matters and for you to become successful in both this world and the Hereafter. Ameen.
Don't forget to leave a comment and let me know how you feel about the current situation of our world.
Remember to sprinkle kindness wherever you go.