What is up, my fellow humans!!!
It's me, Faheema. Back again with yet another blog. I'm not one to always pat myself on the back but I shall do so now because yah girl is posting weekly now... What????
I hope I don't lose this streak because I'm really liking this vibe I get every time I write and the commentary makes me really happy (*^▽^*)
Don't you just love it when you have so much inspiration or when you actually feel like you aren't procrastinating for once in your life?
I don't get those moments a lot because let's face it, I'm horribly lazy (which my mom will definitely agree on)... but a girl is trying to be a little less lazy. A lot of emphasis on the word 'less'. A lot.
Moving on to the actual point of this blog, I thought that since it is the holidays, some of us tend to get a little bit bored. Now, I don't blame you. This isn't 1935. If we don't have a screen in front of us, we become the most unlively things on the planet. Like no joke, we don't know how to entertain ourselves without Netflix, Tik Tok or Nintendo. It's fun, it's relaxing... up until we either finish the game or our battery dies and then we become completely stupefied.
Heck, forget technology, without electricity we immediately become dumbstruck. I live in South Africa where the damn lights go out like a candle during a tornado. One minute I can happily be enjoying myself scrolling through Instagram and the next thing I know, the WiFi connection is gone and it's load-shedding (it happens so often it even got a name!!!!) My phone battery can only last so long and I am not desperate enough to buy data so, even though it's broad daylight, I don't know what to do.
And it's not like I can go outside, my mother would never.
This isn't the point of the blog, I got sidetracked... I apologise. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
Basically, as you saw from the title, I have some hobbies you could consider taking up and who knows, you might actually continue it even when you should be studying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ BUT DON'T DO THAT!! Education is more important than hobbies. But mental health and happiness is also important so if it helps you, then who am I to stop you?
1. Journaling:
I know what you're thinking about. Those fancy, aesthetic journals that you see on Pinterest and Instagram. Your journal does not have to look like it came out of 2016 Tumblr #vintage.
Mines looks like an organised mess... but that's who I am and that's what your journal needs to be,
It needs to express who you are and what you love.
Your journal can even have one specific duty. It could just be for art or pictures or just words and their meanings because hey, all languages have those words that just take your breath away.

Mines, for example, is on being positive, motivating and reassuring myself.
It helps me build my strength and it's also so calming because you are just going with the flow. You don't have to think when you journal, you just do.
It can be as colourful as you want or as plain as you want.
And you don't even need fancy things that'll be unnecessarily expensive, use whatever is
available to you and you can make absolute magic.
2. Reading:
No. I am not talking about Tweets or memes. I'm talking about an actual, physical book. You're gonna pretend like it actually IS 1935 and the tv was just invented, but you couldn't afford one so you went for the book instead.

Reading is way more entertaining than people play it out to be.
World's and characters are created from nothing and you get to join them on a journey, a journey that teaches you something at the same time or maybe just gives a little hope.
There are also so many people who love books and trust me, bookstagram is one of the best places to make friends :)
Not to mention that some characters are ABSOLUTE FIIIIIRRRREEE!!!!!
There is simply no other way to describe the beautiful babies that some of them are and I know what you're thinking, "Oh but Faheema, they're not real"
Well, they are to me, okay? And besides, some of them can teach us a thing or to about humanity... Ironically those are the non-human ones.
Also, fair warning... you might want to leave your sanity behind before entering these world because I can't guarantee you'll have it upon return (*゜ー゜*)
3. Photography:

This is the hobby that almost everyone is doing because the aesthetic is what my generation and those after live for.
It's really calming to look at pretty pictures. Not to mention satisfactory knowing you took those pretty pictures. Be it a sunset, a car, you looking really lovely in your favourite outfit or flowers.
Now when I take pictures, I use my Instax camera or my phone, depending on the type of picture I'm trying to take.
It's okay if you don't have a fancy-schmancy camera, your phone camera will do just fine.
You can share these pictures on social media because you'll be surprised by the feedback you get and also it helps to associate and spread a positive message with the picture you take.
4. Painting:

Look, I wasn't a born artist but once I started learning how to like actually paint things other than what is supposed to look like a flower, I was hooked and I just paint whenever I just need to relax.
No need for art lessons because they can be expensive so, use what you have at your disposal ( YouTube or Pinterest is a great place to start)
But if you're serious about it and your parents or you don't mind spending money on art lessons, go for it because you definitely stand to gain from them.
And if you were born painting Starry Night, keep up the great work... I aspire to be as talented as you, my friend :)
5. Drawing:

Right so with painting, which has its perks, you can also become good at drawing. Take it from someone who couldn't even draw a stick figure!!! Like, Alhamdulillah I can sort of draw now (。_。)
But drawing helps to express yourself, not to mention you feel like a bawse when you draw because you're like totally just recreating something and looking cool \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
There's a website that I heard will help you improve or even learn to draw.
I'll leave the link here if you're interested:
These are fun, I promise.
If you do any of these please let me know in the comments below and also how you feel when you partake in the hobby :)
My Instagram is @zestasia_reads, here's a link :)))
Until the next blog, don't forget to sprinkle kindness wherever you go.
Thank you 😭✨
Love this 😍